Death of a baby at the Livry-Gargan clinic: “What’s quite appalling is the accumulation of faults”

Little Kayden, 19 months old, died after an operation on May 25, 2021 at the private clinic in Livry-Gargan. In the context of a conciliation commission, the experts point to a number of malfunctions. They claim that the clinic is not licensed to operate on children under the age of 2, a claim that the clinic’s management disputes.

No authorization to operate on children?

In this report, drawn up for the civil proceedings, the experts point to a series of malfunctions and apportion responsibility for the child’s death.

Mario-Pierre Stasi, Chrystelle Marignan’s lawyer in the criminal case, reacts: “What’s quite appalling is the accumulation of faults, consider. Such a series of failures by different players is rare.”

Criminal investigation continues

This CCI report is important, particularly for initiating disciplinary proceedings with the Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins,” explains Me Stasi, who intends to contact the Ordre in the coming weeks. It proves to be very clear and allocates responsibilities without a shadow of a doubt.”